Cutie Pie 7 Roses Bouquet
Cutie Pie 7 Roses Bouquet
Cutie Pie 7 Roses Bouquet

Cutie Pie 7 Roses Bouquet

AED 99.00

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Product Description

  • 4 Red Roses
  • 3 Pink Roses
  • Leaves - 2 Song of India
  • Wrapped in Pink Heart and Beige Color Wrapping
  • Tied with Pink Ribbon Bow

Mini Flowerpedia:

  • According to fossil evidence,Roses are 35 million years old. In nature, the genus Rosa has some 150 species spread from Alaska to Mexico and also in northern Africa.
  • Roses are certified to be antiseptic, anti- oxidant and is a rich source of vitamin A, B3, C, D and E and commonly used as rose water, essence and oils.
  • Flower Meaning:- Red Roses: Expression of love - Deep emotions, Pink Roses: Sweetness - Elegance - Innocense.

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